Sitter på...


Kolla varifrån!

Sitter på sjukhuset. Läkaren sen som vanligt.. Nu sprang hon förbi bakom mig. Parkering tog mig 10 minuter att hitta, när jag väl fann den så tog inte betalautomaten kort.. Nu sitter jag här, reflekterar över att dörröppnare inte bara är till för handikappade utan också läkare. Det is inte varit någon läkare som gått förbi utan att inte trycka på knappen.

Postat av: christina


I think the doctors don't want to touch the door-

handles because of the bacteria.

Glad to hear that your test and visit turned out to be OK.

Take care and don't forget to sleep a lot!


2010-02-06 @ 07:33:55
Postat av: Emelie

Yeah, but they can touch the bacterial buttan instead. In don't see the healthy part of that thinking. Or maybe because there was one doctor who was pushing the button with his elbow, but the other weren't doing that.

2010-02-06 @ 14:47:40
Postat av: christina

It's what people do over here now - using their elbows instead of hands. The flu has definitely slower down so it looks like it helps.

p s Can you send the list of Forever21 over e mail so I can copy it. Is there any such store in Sweden?

Kram fran grannies

2010-02-06 @ 20:43:18
Postat av: Emelie

Do you mean the pictures or what ? What list ? No I dont believe it is, I haven´t seen anyone of all this years I´ve been living here. :P

2010-02-07 @ 15:02:15
Postat av: christina

Yeah, soo many years!! Many more to go, we hope.

I guess I meant the pictures on your wish list.

I just found out there is a 21 store here on Maui too.

We will see if we get there before we go home or maybe I can check it out in Seattle.

Aloha from Maui

2010-02-08 @ 00:54:50
Postat av: Emelie

Ok. I see if i can send it to you! :)

Alooohaaa! :D

2010-02-10 @ 06:59:09

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